USPS glossary
USPS abbreviations
[ See here, here for more postal terms. ]
AADC - Presort level in which all pieces in the bundle or container are addressed for delivery in the service area of the same Automated Area Distribution Center
ADC - Presort level in which all pieces in the bundle or container are addressed for delivery in the service area of the same Area Distribution Center
ANK - address exists but the addressee is not known
CCA - City Carrier Assistant
CFS - Computerized forwarding system. First class, second class, and endorsed 3rd class mail for people who moved go there.
COA - Change of address
DEC - Deceased.
DPS - Delivery point sequence (DPS) is an automated mail sorting process that puts carrier routes into delivery order. DPS eliminates the need for additional sorting at delivery units.
ECRLOT - Enhanced Carrier Route Line Of Travel.
ECRWSS - Extended Carrier Route Walking Sequence Saturation system ECRWSH - Enhanced Carrier Walk Sequence High-Density system
EDDM - Every Door Direct Mail for Affordable, Targeted Advertising
FLATS - large envelopes, newsletters, and magazines.
NCOA - National Change of Address
Nixies - Undeliverable mail you bring back at the end of the day.
NMR - No Mail Receptacle: address exists but no place to deliver mail
NSN - No Such Number/Street: street exists but house number does not
RCA - Rural Carrier Associate
RTS - Return to sender
UBBM - Undeliverable unendorsed third class mail.
UNC - Unclaimed as well.
UTF - unable to forward
VAC - Vacant: nobody lives at the address