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Almostttttt there....
Hi all- Tremendous amounts of work has gone into preparing inventory and re-reading all materials. The site is now life but still password protected to test ordering and handling behind the scenes. We expect a few more days before we open up. We added social media as well: Twitter and you can follow us here: It was hard to find a good handle, but we settled on 'no more bulk mail' as it describes effectively what we're about. Stay tuned my friends....
Hello World!
Hello World! We are all VERY excited that the GO-LIVE is approaching in a few months. We've checked our spelling, crossed T's and dotted our I's, and are working with a vendor to build up the inventory to be ready on day 1. It has been an amazing few months, from conception of our idea, to registering a true company, opening the associated financial accounts, and set in motion what we hope is going to be a transformational shift at how we all interact with concepts like marketing mail, privacy, the environment, the right to chose etc. In brainstorming this...